Welcome to Harvest Cove
Dear Readers,
I’m a small town northern girl at heart. Though I’ve lived all over the country, I’ve never seen anywhere lovelier than New England in the fall, with the trees awash in color and the air full of the rich scents of leaves and wood smoke. Those leaves crunch beneath your feet when you walk through them, and your cheeks turn pink from the nip in the air. The season is fleeting, but I carry it with me year round. That was bound to come through in my storytelling, and it has…but never as much as it has when I created the little Massachusetts town called Harvest Cove.
Tucked into a rocky crescent on the coast, Harvest Cove is a small town with a long history. Supposedly settled by witches, it’s a place where the past has meshed seamlessly with the present. The old square near the harbor, with its buildings of wood and stone, looks like it could have been pulled from the pages of a history book…or a fairy tale. At its center, in a small park, sits the Witch Tree, one of the oldest oaks in the United States. Local lore says that it continues to grow due to the founding witches’ spell, the strong roots ensuring that those born here will always return home. While that may be just a charming local legend about a stubbornly vital tree, there is something about this place. Whether it’s the colonial charm, the beauty of the land at the edge of sea and sky, or the warmth of those who live here, Harvest Cove has drawn people to it for centuries—people looking for somewhere that feels like home. I hope that, once you grab a hot apple cider donut and take a look around, you’ll be among them.
Welcome to Harvest Cove!