The Dark Dynasties Blood is power. Desire is destiny.
Welcome to the world of night, where an entire civilization lives and breathes just out of sight of our own. For thousands of years, the great vampire dynasties have ruled the lesser bloodlines with an iron fist, taking what they want, when they want it, and feuding amongst themselves over petty intrigues and imagined slights. In the roving vampire courts of the powerful, your mark, a physical manifestation of the bloodline you were sired into, is your destiny. Lowblood or highblood, nothing can change a vampire’s place in this arcane society. But change is coming to those who have dominion over the dark….and as new dynasties rise and ancient powers fall, only one thing is certain: nothing will ever be the same again.
A Guide to the Dominant Vampire Bloodlines of the United States
The Ptolemy are the oldest and most powerful bloodline in the world, begun when the goddess Sekhmet bestowed the dark gift on a dying Arsinöe IV of Egypt, sister of Cleopatra. Their gifts are preternatural grace and speed that go far beyond what even the most talented vampires are capable of, rendering them difficult to catch and nearly impossible to fight. Arsinöe is a clever, capable ruler, and has made her dynasty the dominant force in the world of night. Some say that ages of entitlement and relative isolation at court have twisted her, and the Ptolemy are well known for their disdain for any bloodline besides their own. But Arsinöe and her kind are a force to be reckoned with, and only a fool would think to get between the vampire queen and what she wants.
The Dracul are the youngest of the dynasties, led by a man whose strength and charisma have made him a legend in the mortal world and a feared adversary in his own. Though he is little like the stories that are told of him, Vlad Dracul only gained legitimacy for his bloodline though his incredible tenacity, a dogged determination to grasp his way to the top of vampire society, and a willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Though the ability to change into an animal is frowned upon by most highbloods, considered too much like the loathed werewolves banned from their cities, the Dracul are able to assume the form of the bat, allowing them a degree of stealth that even the disdainful envy. Still, despite the grudging respect they have earned among many, the Dracul are well aware that their position is always precarious…and that the Ptolemy will never stop looking for a way to remove them from the halls of power.
The only dynasty that is entirely female, the Empusae are the smallest of the dynasties that have chosen to base their power in America. Greek in origin, and possessed of vast libraries of ancient tomes dealing with the creatures of the night, the line that counts the goddess Hecate as its founder are deeply respected, if no longer dominant. Empusa, their leader, has made sure that the women of the Empusae reveal little of the knowledge they guard, and the bonds of the dynasty’s sisterhood are strong. There is an ancient magic about the Empusae, leading many to believe that there is far more to what they are capable of besides their traditional ability to vanish into smoke. However, with the reclusive Empusa’s tight grip on her kind, it seems almost certain that eventually, the Empusae will dwindle until they vanish completely, taking all their secrets with them.
Little is known about the Grigori, including whether they are a true dynasty or something else altogether. Regardless, no one would dare ban them from the Vampiric Council, the loosely-knit governing body of the nobility. As far as anyone can tell, they are ruled by a vampire named Sariel, though he may only be a figurehead. The deserts of the West belong to them, a place few vampires venture for fear that the Grigori, unusually tall vampires whose beauty is both exquisite and cold, would not take kindly to the intrusion. Still, the Grigori stay out of the unending squabbles between the other dynasties, preferring to observe from a distance with their unnerving calm and reserve. There are rumors about what the particular gift of the Grigori is, spurred on by the wing-shaped mark they wear, but like so much about this ancient dynasty, nothing is known for certain.
The Cait Sith are considered lowbloods, despite their singular mark. Celtic in origin, and supposedly tainted eternally by the blood of the Fae, these cat-shifting vampires are known for being ruthless and efficient hunters. For centuries, they have essentially belonged to the Ptolemy, kept as slaves, highly valued for their abilities but treated as pets at best, and as disposable playthings or weapons at worst. They are rarely found in any numbers outside of Ptolemy-controlled territories, and are forced to live in relative poverty if they have somehow managed to stay outside of Arsinöe’s purview. No other dynasty will touch them, fearing Arsinöe’s wrath, and the Ptolemy themselves make great sport of hunting the small bands of Cait Sith trying to live eternal life on their own terms. The promising hunters and fighters are taken and forced into service, while the rest are often killed. At court, treatment of the cat-shifters by the queen herself has varied from cruelty to a sort of mild affection. Though she has sometimes taken favorites and elevated them above the rest, it’s doubtful Arsinöe will ever see even her most prized hunters as much more than belongings.