Odds & Ends

Posted at Mar 31, 2016 1:39 pm

It’s been an embarrassingly long time since I’ve blogged here, so it seems an update is in order. Things have happened! Things and stuff! And a great deal that would probably bore you all to tears, though trust me, life has been busy. Funny…the last entry dates from when the Harvest Cove series was new, and as I write this the final book in the series is in the pipeline, only waiting for my approval on copyedits. I’m very proud of this series. Writing contemporary romance was a new way to stretch for me, and though it hasn’t always been easy, it was incredibly worthwhile. Come on Closer even became my very first RT Book Reviews Top Pick! Just when I’d given up hope of ever earning one of those, it happened, which figures. I’ve thought about printing that review out and framing it for posterity. It can go right next to my “David Bowie is very disappointed in you” picture. 🙂 Read more…

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Release Day Giveaways!

Posted at Jul 1, 2014 12:26 pm

It’s finally here! I hope you all enjoy my new small town romance, For the Longest Time! To celebrate, there are all sorts of giveaways going on, so I thought I’d round up the current ones for you.

First, I’d love it if you’d head to my Facebook page today, maybe give it a “like” if you haven’t already, and leave a comment on the giveaway post to be entered to win a signed copy of the book and an Autumn Wreath scented Yankee Candle (it’s perfect for a fall story, and one of my favorite scents). Giveaway is open to Canada and US, and ends tomorrow morning.

Next, there’s an awesome spotlight and giveaway up at Harlequin Junkie. Two copies are available, and she asked some really great questions…there are some snippets from the book as well, so have a look!

Smexybooks has an excellent review of the book and is giving away one copy.

You can also head to Peace Love Books for a nice review and a giveaway of one copy.

Happy reading, and stay tuned for more!



For the Longest Time is almost here!

Posted at Jun 17, 2014 1:03 pm

New blog post, ahoy! I know, my blog posts are nearly as rare as unicorn sightings…but they do happen when I have info for you. There are only a couple of weeks left until the first book in my Harvest Cove series, For the Longest Time, releases! Thanks to all of you who’ve pre-ordered, and if you haven’t, consider this today’s moment of Shameless Authorial Begging. I’m pretty excited. And nervous. And excited. Maybe I’ll just hide in my closet on July 1st eating food covered in artificial cheese powder. It could happen. Regardless, I wanted to let you know that I’m getting things lined up for July. There will be a few blog spots around ye olde internet, which I’ll share here as they’re finalized. I’m also doing a feature with Free Book Friday, which will go up on July 5th. I’ll provide a link to that when they send it along, if you’d like to participate in the giveaway! I’m also going to be doing a giveaway on my Facebook author page on release day, so please give my page a “like” if you haven’t already! I’ll be giving away a signed copy of the book and a Yankee Candle. I figure I can’t be the only person with a Yankee Candle addiction. Um, hopefully not, anyway. And finally, there are a few days left to enter my Goodreads giveaway! I’ll be giving away 20 copies of the book until June 20th, so be sure to enter!

Keep your eye on my Facebook and blog for the details on the upcoming events. I really can’t wait to share this new series with you all. I’m hard at work on the third book in the series as we speak (Every Little Kiss, the second book, has just been through edits and will be a March release), and Harvest Cove has become one of my favorite places to spend time. I hope it’ll be one of yours too! Stay tuned…release day is coming!

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A New Season, A New Site!

Posted at Mar 17, 2014 12:01 am

When I made my debut as a paranormal romance author back in 2008, I did it with what I considered, at the time, to be a whole lot of flair. I was all about the web presence. I mean, I had a very snazzy Myspace page, complete with suitably atmospheric playlist. But more importantly, I had a werewolf-themed website that, from what I understand, managed to completely freak out many of my readers’ dogs in its time. This is because it, er, howled. Like, immediately upon opening the page. Loudly. With bonus thunderclap!

*facepalm* Read more…