A New Season, A New Site!

Posted at Mar 17, 2014 12:01 am

When I made my debut as a paranormal romance author back in 2008, I did it with what I considered, at the time, to be a whole lot of flair. I was all about the web presence. I mean, I had a very snazzy Myspace page, complete with suitably atmospheric playlist. But more importantly, I had a werewolf-themed website that, from what I understand, managed to completely freak out many of my readers’ dogs in its time. This is because it, er, howled. Like, immediately upon opening the page. Loudly. With bonus thunderclap!


Since then my web presence has undergone changes as both my writing and career have matured. I tinkered with my own WordPress site for a time, then got another custom site when I managed a book deal with a bigger publishing house. That last one was tailored pretty specifically to my book series at the time, which any seasoned author will tell you is a big no-no. Part of my charm, however, is that I can be stupidly optimistic when it suits me, and so my website was awash in purple and vampires and a sexy shirtless dude with glowing eyes. Oh, and a really big, bad cat. Sorry, Shirtless Vamp Guy. I always liked the cat better than you.

Anyway, a couple of years went by, and as usual, life happened. The market changed, my ideas stopped fitting so neatly inside the “paranormal” box, my series came and went, and I started thinking I’d like a site that was just…me. Colors I liked, things that represented my work without hitting readers over the head with whatever I currently had going on. Something that could actually grow with me instead of one more thing I would have to leave behind.

Which, of course, brings me to now, and the gorgeous site I’m writing this post for. I wanted autumn colors because it’s my favorite season. Something simple but beautiful, and easy to navigate because I’m technologically impaired. Something with a nod to my past work that also represents my present. See the little black kitties? I’ve written cat vamps and orphaned black kittens, paranormal to contemporary, and I love that these cats in silhouette make me think of both. I want to thank Liz and Sienna at Bemis Promotions for giving me the sort of site I’ve always wanted…I just never knew how to articulate it until now. With age and howling websites comes wisdom. Or something.

I hope you’ll enjoy my new digs as winter finally (hopefully) turns to spring. Feel free to look around…I’ve finally got an excerpt available for each book and novella I’ve written, along with awards and reviews and, for the upcoming release, a fun little playlist I put together that I listened to while writing the book. You can follow this new blog, which replaces the old Blogger one, from here on out. I opted not to bring the old posts over…I’ve ignored that blog so much over the past couple of years that there isn’t much there of interest. Besides the new blog, I’ve got a couple of fun things for the new Harvest Cove series, an FAQ about myself I put together, and a photo gallery (which is mostly pics of me shamelessly fangirling). Oh, and I even have a newsletter signup that will get you AN ACTUAL NEWSLETTER when I have news about upcoming releases! I know, I hesitated myself at the level of fanciness this implies, but it had to be done. I have embraced the fancy. Next thing you know I’ll be wearing something besides my vast collection of sweatshirts, and who knows what will happen then? Anarchy, I tell you.

Happy Spring, my people! I hope you come back soon to see what’s new…I have a busy year ahead, and I’m excited to share it with you.


8 responses to “A New Season, A New Site!”

  1. Diva Donna says:

    Kendra, it’s fresh and spanking new. Good Luck!!

  2. Iris Salazar says:

    Hi Kendra!! I love the colors! Question. Are you going to write anymore Dark Dynasty?? I love that series!

  3. Kasie says:

    Love the new website. Ps I had no problem with the shirtless vampire dude 😉

  4. Jessica James says:

    See you are still sporting the red. It looks good! The page is great. I’m glad things are working out for you. I’m looking forward to where ever your muse leads you, I know the book will be great! See ya in the book store or on line!

  5. Linda McKenzie says:

    Very nice, I have to admit I do like it better than your old one but I would read your books no matter what your site looks like.

  6. Margaret says:

    Love the new look. On the wait list for “For the Longest Time.” I liked the howling werewolf!

  7. Kristina says:

    It is so different than your last site, but if definitely is more neutral, but still fun. Can’t wait to read all about everything your blog about

  8. Kendra says:

    Thanks everybody! Um, sorry it took me a few days, I’m not used to so many blog comments. 🙂 I’m so glad you all like the site! I’m absolutely thrilled with it…though I appreciate the love for the howling wolf and the shirtless dude. Who I still don’t miss. Sorry, shirtless dude. I’ll get blogging regularly once I have the keys to the site…that should be this week! Then I can tell you all about how much coffee I’m drinking. I mean, that constitutes kind of a lot of my day.

    Iris, thanks for asking about the Dark Dynasties! I honestly don’t know when you can expect a new one. It’ll be a self published effort when it happens, and I have no time to give it right now. We’ll see how the new series works out (my stomach knots up every time I start worrying over it), and in a few months I should be able to give you a better idea of where that’s all headed. I’m really glad you love that series! Me too!

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